Publishing services for you or your organisation, wherever you are, making sure you publish quality content in the digital world.

How CartoZapp can help you…

  • if you are a Reference Publisher
  • if you are an Author
  • if you are an Organisation or Business

CartoZapp services for you…

Why you should use CartoZapp…

  • Thorough, time-efficient and hassle-free service
  • One service, or a combination, to suit your needs
  • Understanding of the end-to-end content journey
  • Comfortable with content technology
  • Rounded experience of the reference publishing industry
  • Adept at working internationally, across time zones and with all cultures
  • Well connected with global publishing contacts
  • Based in Singapore, CartoZapp can work in your day in Asia-Pacific and India and while you sleep in Europe and North America

Use CartoZapp if you are…

  • Authors
  • Self-publishers
  • General reference publishers
  • Academic reference publishers
  • Academic institutions, NGOs or any businesses that produce content
  • Map and atlas publishers
  • Organisations or individuals that include maps in your content

Get in touch and let CartoZapp Zapp your content into shape!